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About Us

Pacifico Energy Group (PEG), is a global business consortium of partners with diversified interests in Global Resources, Water Management, Agriculture, Health, Renewables and Oil and Gas. At PEG, we are building a globally responsible company with a keen focus on MEXICO, Latin America and West Africa’s emerging markets.

Our Partners

Meet The Team

We bring together the strong expertise of our partners and team, intellectual capital, global connectivity and a proven track record to spur economic development. We work with businesses and people to create a more beautiful world.

Fernando Viverois

Fernando Viveiros serves as the CEO of PACIFICO ENERGY GROUP. He has been an International Strategic Business Development Advisor, with a strong focus on Agriculture, Renewable Energy Industry and Oil &Gas.

Fernando was responsible for the design and development of an Environmental Master project, “Green Stewardship” to lead the remediation to communities within Nigeria for housing, health, water, electricity and oil recovery in partnership with major oil companies. Fernando was also initiated various agribusinesses, employment and training programs in the Niger River Delta area.

Fernando was educated by the Jesuits and the Marist Brothers in Columbia and attended Georgetown to complete an International Finance Program. He completed a program in  “Alternative Solutions in Times of No Capital” at the London School of Economics, and studied International Trade and Finance at UC Berkeley.

Kuldip Ahluwalia

A serial entrepreneur at heart, Kuldip’s go-getter attitude led him to launch several startups to success. His deep expertise in technology, and marketing helped Fortune 100 companies (like GE and Toshiba) become industry leaders. Kuldip currently serves as the CEO and leads Viitals, Inc a company developing an AI platform that provides quality access to healthcare anywhere in the world.

Kuldip has developed and commercialized products in Medical Products, AI, Infrastructure and Industrial Testing. His ability to bridge people, technology, and markets allowed startups like Lumisys and Alara become global players. He has developed symbiotic relationships and built a strategy based on “why” rather than the traditional “what and how.”

Kuldip also founded NeuVisium Foundation a non-profit that is redefining medical discovery and research by putting a patient first focus.

Kuldip fuels his passion and love for teams by serving as mentor, advisor, and board member for startups and mobilizing teams to work towards a common vision. He holds a MSc. In Medical / Applied Physics from UC Berkeley and a BSc. in Health & Environmental Physics from Salford University (UK). Kuldip is an alum of the GE Management Program.

Israel Alexis

Carlos Uscanga

Dr. Uscanga is a founding partner of SEPPISA Water Solutions, a company dedicated to the desalination of seawater for human consumption and agricultural irrigation.


He has been active in the public service as well as in the private sector, serving as Director of Economic Development for the Municipality of Boca del Río, Veracruz, and General Manager of Sales, Public Relations, and Marketing for CRAX C.V.


Born in Veracruz, Mexico. Dr. Uscanga has been recognized for his altruistic work for the benefit of the Veracruz society with an Honoris Causa Doctorate from the Anglo Hispano Mexicana University of Puebla. He was responsible in developing  the most vulnerable and marginalized areas of the port of Veracruz, especially in  social and human development, and economic growth with its innovative environmental and social programs with his Altruismo y Grandeza Foundation.


Dr. Uscanga has an MBA from the University Canada West, with honors in International Relations and Foreign Trade. He also has a Postgraduate Degree from the University of London.

Gabriel Bedoya

Gabriel is an agricultural engineer with specialization in plant and human management. He brings thirty plus years of experience in oil palm plantations and vegetable oil processing.

Gabriel’s work experience spans across Colombia, Ecuador and Mexico, as a plant manager and consultant. He has served as a consultant to FIRA (Fideicomisos Instituidos en Relación con la Agroindustria en México).

Gabriel’s management expertise includes, strategy, building of agricultural parks and training of professional teams. Gabriel also consultants in Good Agricultural Practices and RSPO regulations in Peru.

Gabriel received his undergraduate degree from the National University of Columbia in Agricultural Engineering and has a Post Graduate Degree in Human Management from the University of Bucaramanga, and another Post Graduate Degree in Productivity and Quality Management from the University of Colombia.

Walter Mendes

Walter Méndez is currently CEO of the company Comercializadora de Semillas Aldama SA de CV, owner of the ADIÚ chocolates brand. He was a public servant in the Government of the State of Tabasco for a period of 10 years as head of plant health for the state of Tabasco.

Walter is a pioneer in the generation of technological packages for the production under shade mesh of large-scale clonal cocoa plants in southern Mexico. He also participated in the development of protocols for the fermentation and drying of cocoa to improve quality together with educational and research institutions. More recently, he has worked with producers to implement cocoa production models associated with high-profit crops.

Walter graduated from the Chapingo Autonomous University (UACh) as an Agronomist Specialist in Tropical Zones and has a Master of Science in Natural Resources and Rural Development at the College of the Southern Border (ECOSUR), he was president of the College of Agricultural Engineers of Tabasco A.C.

From  2007 to 2013, he served as a member of the National Cocoa System-Product Committee and  was awarded the State Engineering Prize by the Colleges and Associations of Engineers in the State of Tabasco in 2014. In 2019 he was awarded the prize at the national level to the merit Gonzalo Martinez Corbalá delivered by the Association of Professionals for Democracy and Development.

Affiliates / Partners

Headquartered in Mexico City with corresponding offices in Houston, and Silicon Valley our vision remains to be a leading diversified conglomerate with focus towards a better tomorrow.

Viitals, Inc

Building an eco-system with equitable access to healthcare for a better world

Viitals is pioneering the use of AI based Remote Care in global markets and has expertise in providing quality remote patient care in urban and rural markets. Viitals technology mitigates the shortage of physicians and healthcare workers, and is building unique solutions to meet the healthcare requirements in the US and other countries.

The company is developing unique solutions for healthcare organizations to manage long term health risks for their patients. Having partnered with a leading Oncology Group in Mexico, Viitals is leading the effort to develop solutions to better manage cancer patients from the comfort of their home.

Viitals integrated platform, includes end to end solutions for patient triaging, physician interaction, patient management, remote patient monitoring, physical therapy evaluation(s) and long term care.

Seppisa Water Solutions

Seppisa Water Solutions specializes in designing, and building seawater desalination systems using Reverse Osmosis. With a team of experts in all related fields, Seppisa can provide turnkey management for  the complete project from building the plant, related infrastructure and managing all the environmental and constructions permits.

Pauta D&B

Pauta D&B Group has specialists in good agricultural practices, good operating practices and sustainability, within Latin America, and has extensive experience in implementing comprehensive management systems, especially in palm oil. Within Pauta D&B we have senior consultants who can provide technical, operational, economic and environmental evaluation of agricultural projects.

With an eye to the future needs, we ensure that the crops and mills meet sustainability standards while being productive.

Some of our work in palm oil includes:

Business Plan (cultivation establishment and agricultural work of oil palm plantations).
Evaluation of properties for expansion programs.
Plantation design.
Application of Good Agricultural Practices with an environmental focus)
Technical Analysis, an Recommended Work Plan
Transfer of technology to own personnel
Training and implementation of registration system
Management Dash Boards reports
Assessment and Management plan for fragile soils & water
Management of indicators: planting cycles, fruit logistics, utilization percentage, production censuses, water balance, human resources, fuel and agrochemical consumption, machinery and equipment, among others.
Nutrition programs
Establishment of international standards such as Principles and Criteria and the Supply Chain System of the Round Table on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO).

Modern Take on Agro-Industrial Park

Creating an environments to foster collaboration and innovation by providing a centralized location where different industry sectors can collaborate as well as commercialize research and reinforce entrepreneurship. With a goal to create a Center of Excellence (COE) within the industrial park we intend to become a center for excellence and advance technologies for future generations.


Life doesn’t get easier or more forgiving, we get stronger and more resilient.


Impossibilities’ are opportunities for our capacities to be stretched.


The best way to predict future is to create it.